Personal Growth Hacks

Have you ever felt like you’re caught in a funk? You want to make changes because you have noticed there are things in your life you don’t like anymore but you don’t know where to begin? Trust me when I say that this is common to feel this way and it’s even more common to stay this way! Yikes! That doesn’t feel good…

Many of us know that we need to have better habits and make healthier choices but we can’t seem to do it. Why? Because change is really hard and our brains are wired to keep us comfortable even if that comfort is no longer serving us. Here are my tips for jumping out of your funk. If you want to hear the audible version on this go ahead and hop on over to my podcast Love and Sex Unfiltered wherever you stream your favorite podcasts.

  1. Know what you’re thinking and saying. We live on autopilot and allow ourselves to think, perceive, and say things that ultimately are going to keep us stuck or giving us results in our lives that we no longer want. This is by far the most time consuming but valuable personal development tool out there. Our lives will change dramatically when our mindset changes and we become aware of what we’re thinking and saying. You ultimately get to choose what you perceive about a situation and what you do about it.

  2. Move your body. I know I hate this one too. If I could manage my stress and stay healthy while reading a book or watching a show I would… Alas, that is not how it works my friend. You also don’t have to kill yourself at the gym. Start by doing something like a walk or a 15 minute yoga class on YouTube. Do something that you can stay consistent with and like I said in step one be kind to yourself!

  3. Journal your emotions. Go on Google and type “Emotional Vocabulary” in the search engine and pick your favorite list. Either print it or screen shot it. Every day I want you to look at that list and write down as many emotions that you experienced that day or are experiencing right now. You do not have explain why you feel that way. Doing this will help you track patterns that will ultimately lead you to a place of curiosity as to why you a certain way very often. Emotions are indicators that something needs your attention.

  4. Just do it! I know I sound like a Nike commercial but I’m serious. You can overthink and over plan something to death or you can just do it! Make a plan and start with a small step but you need to take action. Two of the most common emotions that come up when you think about making a change are guilt and resistance. Those emotions are typically indicators that you are doing something good because you’re making a change and not indicators of you’re doing something wrong. Remember, you get to decide what you’re emotions mean to you!

I hope these tips help! If you haven’t already, go ahead and follow me on IG, FB, and TikTok @TheSonyaJensen for more interaction and sign up for my weekly newsletter! Have questions? Let me know!


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